Just Like ME - A Sermon celebrating Vacation Bible School for Sunday July 21st 2024
GOSPEL: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
The holy gospel according to Mark.
Glory to you, O Lord.
When Jesus sends his disciples out to teach and heal, they minister among large numbers of people. Their work is motivated by Christ’s desire to be among those in need.
30 The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. 31 He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. 32 And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves. 33 Now many saw them going and recognized them, and they hurried there on foot from all the towns and arrived ahead of them. 34 As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.
53 When they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret and moored the boat. 54 When they got out of the boat, people at once recognized him, 55 and rushed about that whole region and began to bring the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. 56 And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.
The gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.
I offer 2 mini sermons for today.
First Mini Sermon: Authenticity.
What a gift to be involved with Vacation Bible School.
Gardeners led the Adventurers
through God’s garden,
planting seeds of God’s Word,
in song, story, snack, game and craft.
The message was empathy, compassion, and inclusion.
listening to one another,
knowing each other by name
sharing ourselves
It’s a message that is needed in this time.
Out in the world we are struggling to talk to one another,
our civil discourse is not healthy,
in politics and sports and coffee shops
we other the other,
people are angry,
polarization seems insurmountable
and we need compassion,
we need empathy,
we need inclusion,
we need to know each other by name.
One hope is that the children
will see the church as a place where they are safe,
where they can be themselves,
for not everyone feels safe in church,
and not everyone feels they can be themselves.
One VBS highlight for me was the story station,
as we heard stories from the bible,
we heard about the little boy
who gave Jesus 5 leaves and two fish
and Jesus fed 5000,
and we heard about Elisha and the widow,
and how the community helped provide.
It wasn’t enough to hear the story,
or to welcome the story teller.
The kids were sad to learn that these two
and many other women and children
are not named in our bible.
The kids wanted to name
these unnamed biblical characters.
We don’t know their names,
but God does,
so the kids named them Jofus and Emo.
God knows you by name.
God knows the billions of humans,
trillions of creatures and plant life and microbes
by name.
God made me just the way I am
God made me a special part of God’s family
You be you and I’ll be just like me.
we are better together,
we can weather whatever.
The world loves to tell you its standards of beauty,
where to lose the weight,
how to put on the makeup
the right kinds of clothes and accessories,
The world loves to tell you who to look like,
what kind of styles to emulate
The world loves to tell you who you should be like.
But God did not create us to fit into some kind of mold.
God made me just the way I am.
God made you just the way you are.
and you are good.
You are God’s good creation.
Yes, you’re a sinner,
and we need to take sin seriously,
but sin is not the starting point.
You are created by God,
you are a child of God,
made in God’s image
and God’s Spirit is at work in you,
like a refiner’s fire.
But don’t start at sin.
Our theology doesn’t start at sin,
but sometimes our practice does.
At VBS, Children were encourage to wonder, to ask why,
and so I wonder about the problem of beginning with sin.
Yes, we always begin worship in Jesus’ name,
in the name of our Triune God
but as a child,
I remember always starting in sin,
starting with the confession of sin.
Too many Christians are raised
thinking they’re not good enough
that they are deserving of the H. E. Double hockey sticks
too many are told they need to change
and intricate parts - good parts - of the self
can get put on the shelf
in the name of holiness.
The Holy Spirit changes us as we need to be changed,
but God does not wash away your character.
You will not be called by God
to be something you are not,
nor someone you are not.
Now and always, you are a beloved child of God.
Allow God’s Spirit to move and change us
but you be you,
and I’ll be just like me.
You cannot be something you are not.
There has been a generational shift.
It started around the 1960’s
We’ve talked about this a bit,
It’s a shift from the age of association
to the age of authenticity.
The realities of church decline - at least in North America
are partially due to this.
It used to be - in the age of association -
that people lived their faith institutionally;
be it church or lions club or community league,
association with a denomination was normal,
it was natural to trust the association
and live your faith,
in and with the association.
Many of us do this
associated with this community of faith.
The generational shift - to the age of authenticity -
comes with institutional resistance,
there is a growing lack of trust in institutions.
Faith is lived authentically apart from institutions,
partially because institutions can be restrictive.
We who love the church
are called to authenticity and association.
We are called to live in faithful community
caring, compassionate community,
we are the body of Christ.
and we are called to be ourselves,
called to be authentically me.
We cannot be something we are not.
What are we?
We are loved
and so we love.
We receive grace
and so we extend grace
May we be who God made us to be.
Mini sermon #2 - Share your faith.
Jesus and the disciples came to Gennesaret.
The geography matters.
This is around the Sea of Galilee.
You may recall a story from Mark 5 about the Gerasene Demoniac.
Jesus travelled across the sea to the Decapolis
just for this one person.
He was living in the tombs
living in death.
He was shackled in chains
and would violently break them.
He was naked
and not in his right mind.
He had no name,
only known as legion,
for we are many,
says the demon in him.
We don’t know this man’s name
but God does.
Jesus restored him to health.
The legion swarmed into the pigs
the pigs swarmed into the lake and drowned.
the local economy was decimated
and the people in the Decapolis were afraid of Jesus.
The man formerly known as legion
asks to follow Jesus.
Jesus says no,
but Jesus told him to stay there,
and tell everyone what God has done for you.
Again, this happened in the Decapolis.
Gennesaret is right there,
on the borderland of the Decapolis.
When Jesus and the disciples Came to Gennesaret
The people recognized Jesus right away.
I’d say there are two possible explanations.
One - it is close to Capernaum,
which was like a home-base for Jesus.
Gennesaret could have been a stop
on Jesus’ preaching tour
or a stop for the disciples on their tour.
The people of Gennesaret might have remembered Jesus
from a prior visit.
Possible explanation #2
It was the man formerly known as legion,
It was the Gerasene Demoniac.
Gennesaret is in the general local of the Decapolis,
not far removed.
It’s very possible the people at Gennesaret
knew Jesus and the disciples
because the former demoniac
told everyone what God had done for him.
Who could have imagined the impact
who could have imagined so many recognizing Jesus
when he came around again?
Take the risk and share your faith.
Proclaim Christ crucified and risen.
plant the seed of God’s Word.
and be yourself when you do.
Listen to your neighbours
and the strangers you encounter.
know people by name,
earn the right to be heard,
and share God’s love.
Wonder - imagine - what God will do
with a simple leap of faith.
Who knows what fruit might grow in God’s garden
when seeds are sown?
Who knows who might just recognize Jesus
when he comes around here again?
Thanks be to God. Amen.